FAQ zu Urlichs-ISDN Kai Dupke, dduuppkkee@@kkoommaa..hhaann..ddee 31. Dec 1995 Diese FAQ beantwortet einige haeufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Urlichs-ISDN. Autor: Kai Dupke 11.. EEiinnffuueehhrruunngg Matthias Urlichs hat seinem "Kind" nie einen eigenen Namen gegeben. Dirk Steinberg hat in seinem Artikelbeitrag zu "Auf zwei Beinen" (_i_X 7/95, S. 164) das Kuerzel UU-- IISSDDNN gepraegt, das auch in diesem Dokument zur Verwendung kommt. Diese FAQ liegt aktuell auf www.ix.de sowie in ASCII-, DVI- und Postscript-Format auf ftp.ix.de . 11..11.. CCooppyyrriigghhtt Dieses Dokument ist Copyright (c) 1995 Kai Dupke . 22.. FFuueerr EEiinnsseerrkkaannddiiddaatteenn ;;--)) 22..11.. WWoo ffiinnddee iicchh wweeiitteerrffuueehhrreennddee aallllggeemmeeiinnee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonneenn zzuu IISSDDNN?? Um ISDN allgemein (wie Tk-Anlagen, ISDN unter Windows etc.) geht es in der Newsgruppe de.comm.isdn . Fragen zu ISDN beantwortet auch die gemischt deutsch/englische ISDN- FAQ "TCP/IP over ISDN. Frequently Asked Questions". Ansprechpartner: isdn-faq@gin.pfm-mainz.de . Sie wird regelmaessig in de.comm.isdn gepostet und von Winfried Haug auf ftp.uni-stuttgart.de abgelegt. Die letzte mir vorliegende Fassung ist allerdings vom 30.11.94, kann sein, dass das Projekt entschlafen ist. Die aktuelle FTP-Version ist gar vom 02.09.94. Dann gibt es noch eine "Frequently Asked Questions zu ISDN" von Christian Dura , er postet sie regelmaessig in de.comm.isdn und zz--nneettzz//iissddnn. ISDN unter Linux ist das Thema meiner Linux-ISDN-WWW-Seite . Weitere Infos zu ISDN, auch international, enthaelt Dan Kegels ISDN-Homepage . Dort sind auch jede Menge Hyperlinks auf andere WWW-Seiten zu ISDN. 33.. SSoommee eexxaammpplleess Here are examples of things that you'll be using in the source. First, let's decend into a subsection: 33..11.. TThhiiss iiss aa ssuubbsseeccttiioonn As the header says. Note that you need to use the pp command to start the body of the section, after the sseecctt11 command. Here's a subsubsection: 33..11..11.. TThhiiss iiss aa ssuubbssuubbsseeccttiioonn Right. 5 levels of sections are available. Use the commands sseecctt, sseecctt11, sseecctt22, sseecctt33, and sseecctt44 to get them. This document uses the aarrttiiccllee document style, which is appropriate for HOWTOs and other docs; the rreeppoorrtt style (which includes the cchhaapptt sectioning command) should be used for the LDP docs. 33..22.. EExxaammppllee tteexxtt All right, so you're typing along, and you want to show some example code, or example I/O with a program, whatever. Use the ccooddee or vveerrbb ``environments'' for this, wrapped in a ttssccrreeeenn environment, as so: This is an example verb environment. As well as: ______________________________________________________________________ This is an example code environment. ______________________________________________________________________ The ttssccrreeeenn environment just sets the font to small type and indents it nicely. It's not required for using vveerrbb or ccooddee, but I suggest that you do. The _L_i_n_u_x_d_o_c_-_S_G_M_L _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e explains what special characters you can and can't use in the vveerrbb and ccooddee environments. 33..33.. CCrroossss rreeffeerreenncceess What about cross-references? This section has been marked with the llaabbeell command; using rreeff will provide a cross reference, as in ``See Section ``'''' for more. Right now cross-references don't work in the nnrrooffff translation for plain ASCII. 33..44.. UUssiinngg ffoonnttss You want fonts, we got fonts. Of course these won't show up in the plain ASCII text, but they all map into the various output formats: bboollddffaaccee, _e_m_p_h_a_s_i_s, sans serif, _s_l_a_n_t_e_d, ttyyppeewwrriitteerr, and _i_t_a_l_i_c_s. 33..55.. LLiissttss Lists are easy as well. Just use the iitteemmiizzee element with the iitteemm commands, seen here: +o This is a list. +o Nothing exciting about that. +o Multiple levels are supported as well. +o Again, that's no surprise. 1. Enumerated lists using eennuumm also work. 2. Description environments using ddeessccrriipp along with ttaagg are also available, as seen here. FFiirrsstt iitteemm.. Here's one item. SSeeccoonndd iitteemm.. Here's another. TThhiirrdd iitteemm.. Can we go for three? +o A final item to top it all off. This is just about everything that you need to get started with writing SGML docs using the lliinnuuxxddoocc--ssggmmll DTD. Please let me know if you think something should be changed or added to this document.