Index of /laforge/retronetworking/btx/t-displaytel/
[Failed] attempt to make T-DisplayTel work over OCTOI
T-DisplayTel --S0--> PBX --S2M--> yate --S2M--> Portmaste3 --TCP--> socat/neu_ulm
btx-tdisplaytel-tcp.pcap PCAP file containing TCP stream between PM3 and socat/neu_ulm
neu_ulm_output.txt console output of socat/neu-ulm
radius-pm3-callcheck.txt radius config snippet for PM3 forwarding the ISDN call over TCP
displaytel-139-rx.raw raw bitstream of ISDN B-channel in DisplayTel uplink
displaytel-139-tx.raw raw bitstream of ISDN B-channel in DisplayTel downlink
displaytel-pm3-btx.mp4 video recording of T-DisplayTel screen when trying to dial up
Things tried (unsuccessfully):
* Non-empty Benutzerkennung/Mitbneutzer/Password/...