Instructions for creating bootable CF card from debian-buster-net5501.dump.xz Assumptions: * /dev/sdb is the CF card reader on your host PC * /media/misc is an unused mount point h2. partitioning
fdisk /dev/sdb
* delete any existing partitions * create primary partition 1 with at least 1.5GB, type 83 * mark as bootable h2. installing master boot record
install-mbr /dev/sdb
h2. creating ext4 rootfs mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 e2label /dev/sdb1 rootfs h2. mounting filesystem + restoring dump
mount /dev/sdb1 /media/misc
cd /media/misc
xz -d -c /tmp/debian-buster-net5501.dump.xz | restore rf -
h2. installing grub
mount --bind /dev /media/misc/dev
mount --bind /proc /media/misc/proc
chroot /media/misc
  grub-install /dev/sdb
  exit # leave chroot
umount /media/misc/dev
umount /media/misc/proc
umount /media/misc