Transmitting signals with VGA
Use the harmonics of VGA DAC to transmit RF
Has a rather long history
2001: Erik Thiele "Tempest for Eliza", AM Radio
2005: Fabrice Bellard transmitted DVB-T and analog TV
2009: Bartek Kania transmitted WBFM (VGASIG)
2013: siro at "das Labor": I/Q modulator attached to VGA card
Similar idea: RPitx, but VGA has a real DAC instead of PWM
VGA Synchronization
Main issue with all VGA cards: HSYNC/VSYNC
Basically "lost samples", not user controllable
Very bad for analog modulation types
Some OFDM-based systems can cope with it (like DVB-T)
USB VGA adapters
Two manufacturers:
classical graphics card with framebuffer and USB interface
Fresco Logic
Software defined approach
Framebuffer in host memory
Image constantly being streamed via USB 3.0
Makes adapters very cheap (5-10$)
Sounds very interesting… ;)
Reverse Engineering
Same approach as with rtl-sdr
VirtualBox VM with Windows and original driver
USB 3.0 device forwarded to VM
Sniffing USB traffic with Wireshark on Linux
Replaying commands in libusb-based application
Remove stuff until it doesn’t work anymore
Play with register contents to figure out what does what
Reverse Engineering cont.
Figure out data format used in USB buffer
Experiment with PLL register to figure out how clocking works
At some point after lots of experimentation end up with this:
VSYNC and HSYNC completely disabled, but still some lost samples
Goal: Continuous stream of samples
Look again at Wireshark traces
Last URB of USB transfer was smaller than other URBs
Choose a new resolution that is a multiple of URB size (61440)
1280 * 1024 * 3 colors = 61440 * 64
⇒ Result: 150 MHz, 3 channel 8-Bit DAC with USB 3.0 interface
Initializes the device, sets the sample rate
Can be fed with 8 bit signed or unsigned samples
Performs conversion of buffer format
Can use zero-copy buffers to reduce CPU load
Streams a file with samples to device, repeats
Streams samples from TCP to device, e.g. GNU Radio
FM Modulator with stereo and RDS support
Can be used together with SoX to transmit WBFM
based on VGASIG code for FM modulation and PiFmRds
Determines PPM offset to system clock
Useful for calibration of device
Still needed: fl2k_upsample
Upsample I/Q baseband samples in real time
Hoernchen started with it, more work needed
VGA SDR transmitter
Transmission of several signals was tested successfully:
GPS (11th harmonic!)
Example: GSM transmission
Upsample using GNU Radio
Synthesized carrier frequency: 40.6 MHz
DAC sample rate: 138 MHz ± 40.6 MHz
3rd harmonic: 414 MHz ± 40.6 MHz
5th harmonic: 690 MHz ± 40.6 MHz
7th harmonic: 966 MHz ± 40.6 MHz
⇒ Images: 925.4 MHz (ARFCN 976), 1006.6 MHz
Example: GSM transmission
Further ideas
Connect I/Q modulator to do "proper" transmission
Add reconstruction filter and use as lab signal generator (0-75 MHz)
Synchronize clock with rtl-sdr to use both as very cheap transceiver
Quality differences
Device with two LDOs for DAC reference and digital supply
Quality differences
Device with two switching regulators